Friday, May 22, 2009


I have been so sore and tired that I haven't felt like posting or reading. Baby girl and I are leaving for Washington State on Saturday night, and so I have a lot to do today and tomorrow.

Wish me luck! (And little pain, no frustration or screaming babies!)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Operation Baby Number Two

My hubby and I made the decision last night: We are starting to plan for Sam's little brother or sister! The "trying" will start in July or August, but we have to start preparing now, medical wise.

More details later. I am so excited!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day Mayhem

It has been awhile since I've posted, but I really haven't had much to say. There's been a lot going on, surprisingly, but I haven't felt the urge to post, until now.

Mother's Day was less than ideal, you know, what mother's dream of. My first one - with a child not in utero, as I did get a wonderful "First Mother's Day" celebration last year when I was five months pregnant; it made me feel very loved and like I was a mother already (which I technically was) - but as for this year, it will probably be the last worst Mother's Day as my husband now knows he made a big boo-boo.

Ryan did absolutely nothing besides a card that was just from him, and even though he had to work, he still completely flaked on the whole holiday. The card was nice but he usually gets one for me from Sam as well like he did for Christmas, V-Day and Easter. This was the part that made me most upset; it is a day celebrating mothers and the only thing I wanted was a card from my baby girl. The card wasn't even signed from Samantha as well. For two weeks prior to the day I reminded him of the impending holiday because Ryan has a horrible memory, and although I hate having to remind him to "remember me", I know he needs me to do so. I also reminded him that all I wanted was a card from Sam, and he promised that the day would be special. We were also supposed to go out to brunch after he got off of work that morning, which I also reminded him of the previous night, but we didn't do that either. His excuse for everything? "I forgot". He remembered to get a card for me and his mother days prior to Sunday, which is huge because he usually does his shopping the day of. Another big thing is that he actually bought his mother a card which is usually my job. How can he remember his mother but not his wife? As he left for work, I was crying so hard I couldn't talk or see, and he didn't bat an eye. My heart was breaking, but I cleared my eyes and dressed Samantha up so we could go celebrate on our own. We went to the store and Sam got me a card, we bought balloons because I discovered that my little girl is captivated by balloons, as she has never really seen a balloon before. The last balloon she had was when she was hospitalized at two weeks old, and of course a sick baby that young doesn't care about balloons. We also bought some outfits for Sam because there is nothing I love more than shopping for baby clothes.

My mum was defending him saying guys aren't capable of such things which is just a BS excuse because I know plenty of guys who care. (i.e. ProfoundlySeth's El, WhenHelloMeansGoodbye's Katie, or KayleighAnneFreeman's Aimee - They all have amazing husbands who go above and beyond to show they care) Ryan "forgets" a lot of special days for me, and for our family. If he doesn't forget, he just doesn't care. It hurts, more than he understands. Holidays were super important to my family growing up and now I am married to someone who doesn't care if we celebrate or not. I've told him time and time again, but I think this time he finally got it because I was actually on my way to booking a flight home to begin an informal separation from him. Sound extreme? Well, after two and a half years of "forgetting", it sometimes takes something drastic to knock some sense into people. I love my husband, and he is the best father I know (seriously) but I don't want him to make Samantha feel the way I do on her special days. I am a caring, loving person who does all I can to make others feel loved and important, and all I ask of him is that he try.

With that said, he did make it up to me the next day by laying a single red rose, a Teddy bear and an outfit for Sam next to me on the bed so that when I woke up I'd find them. I had already forgiven him the night before because he was at my side when it really mattered. That, my friends, is more important than cards or presents. You see, on Sunday night, our deaf cat Missy attacked me without provocation. Since she is deaf, the littlest things can frighten her, and we usually don't know what that is. But she bit me on my nose and scratched my hand and face. Her teeth got the inside of my nostril, which was bleeding like crazy as was my face and hand. I was hysterical because she scared the living daylights out of me; I was practically having an anxiety attack. I called Ryan, who was on patrol, and within two minutes he and his partner, Officer T, were at our house. Officer T wouldn't leave until I let him look at my wounds. Ry was going to put Missy in her cage but she had run under the stairs so he couldn't get her. But there was my husband, by my side, when I needed him the most. That is what really counts.

To make it an even more stressful day, while Samantha and I were out shopping, I got into a car accident, but both cars were mostly okay. I had Samantha in the truck with me, and all that happened was our license plate got bent. The other car had a bump and mark on their car, but they didn't care. They just wanted to make sure everyone was okay. I am soooo glad they didn't want my info because a) I don't have a valid license because I haven't renewed mine yet and b) I am not on Ry's insurance. God certainly blessed me that day.

Friday, May 01, 2009

0300 Is Not Playtime! (But What An Amazing Daddy!)

Why am I up at the wee morning hours? Because Little Miss Princess decided that 0245 was a good time for her to wake up. I have to confess that I was awake anyway, as Ry's working graveyard and I usually have a hard time sleeping when he's not here; but I'd be an unhappy camper if I really did have to wake up at that hour. Selfish, you say? Only if she is a crying, hungry, needs-a-poopy-diaper changed baby. But folks, she decided it was playtime and she was happily fine tuning her pterodactyl screech. I wasn't mad though. How can you be mad at the prettiest little blue eyed girl with a beaming smile? You can't.

I thought a bottle would put her back to sleep, but no. Almost two hours later she is still screeching and babbling. I guess it will be good for when Daddy gets off at 0600. He can soothe her to sleep, which hopefully means she'll sleep later, and Mommy and Daddy will get some sleep too. She has a hard time with bedtime when Daddy's working graveyard (it switches every month) because her usual routine is that I give her a bottle, cuddle a little bit, and then Ry scoops her up, we both give her kisses, "I love you and goodnight"s, and he puts her to bed. It's hard for her when he's gone; she adores her Daddy so much. We may have our troubles over his husband duties, but he is the perfect father. Our relationship with our daughter isn't Mommy 80%, Daddy 20%, it's always 50/50. And because of my back problems I would say it's more like 60/40 in his favor. He always makes sure to get her in the morning when she wakes so that she doesn't wake me. (I have horrible, horrible sleeping problems) He will play with her, crawl around with her, giving her extra time and attention because I can't do those things with her. (Can't bend down or sit for too long because of my fusion) He feeds Sam her lunch - solids - everyday (sans graveyard); not because I am unable, but because it's his favorite thing to do with his daughter.

Speaking of favorite things, he was holding her the other day and told me he can't wait until she puts her arms up on his shoulders (he made the motion with her arms). You know why? Because he cannot wait for the day when his daughter holds onto him, or gives him a hug. He says that will be the best thing. My heart went "Awww!".

I love that man.

P.S. It is 0505 just now and I believe the baby is asleep. *silent yay!*

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I Guess I Owe You Some Pictures

(Well, three humans and one beautiful kitten!)

The Beginning...

Ryan and I on vacation in Florida during Thanksgiving 2007 at his family's cabin. We had been dating 11 months.

Same vacation, except we were alone, by ourselves, across Florida in Orlando at DisneyWorld and Universal Studios.

Slowly Starting a Family...

Our first baby Missy. We saved her from a disgusting pet shop September 9th, 2007. She was in a dirty environment where she picked up fleas and a nasty respiratory infection that lasted 3 months. She was born on Ry's birthday, June 21st, she's 100% deaf, and she can either be the sweetest cat or the most evil little devil you've ever seen.

...but we still love her to pieces. She is now almost 2yrs old! (And yes, she's wearing a hoodie!)

Just after we got married on March 12th, 2008. We did a court wedding due to moving with the thought of doing a big wedding in the Summer. It didn't happen; instead, we got a baby. Much better than a wedding! (Besides, we didn't want to waste the thousands on a 20min ceremony.)

First Love, Then Marriage, Then Comes Baby in a Baby Carriage...

What can I say about this beautiful girl? She is our first child, a princess, a miracle from God, and the day she was born was the happiest I have seen my husband. Her name is Samantha Lillian Pearl, and she was born at 1330 on September 24th, 2008 via emergency cesarean. She weighed 8lbs 1oz and was 21 & 1/2 inches long.

Taken October 1st, just seven days before she was admitted to the hospital. At this point she only weighed 7lbs 1oz. She was only losing, not gaining. She was projectile vomiting the breast milk that I pumped, and her bowel movements were almost non-existant.

Almost a month old, a little bit after her hospital stay. There she was diagnosed with reflux (later GERD), an infection, and dehydration (duh, she was puking) and sent home on antibiotics (which caused her to get thrush, which required more antibiotics. We fought that for four weeks because of the doctor's neglect!), Zantac (for reflux) and an expensive prescription formula that thank God the military paid for. In this picture she was almost back up to her birth weight of 8lbs 1oz. Look how skinny she was. :-( Her skin flaps on her legs were awful.

Moving on Up...

This is Samantha now, both taken just last week! After 7 months of hard struggle, we are finally at a point where every day is a dream instead of a nightmare. This picture was taken this month on the 21st. Her "Easter" pictures. Isn't she beautiful? Today she weighs just 15lbs 12oz and is 26 & 1/2 inches long, but she has come a long way since that skinny little baby you saw up there. Her weight is all in her now chubby little legs, and her arms and torso are still petite. But instead of screaming, pain and sleepless nights, she is laughing, smiling and enjoying life!

Samantha's first trip to the park last week. She loved the swing, but hated the slide (we held her as she slid down). She'd swing all through the night if we let her. She is still on her expensive formula, but we are going to start weaning her off of it and onto a regular formula which scares the heck out of me. I don't want a repeat of last October when she almost died. I am concerned with how her system will handle it, as her formula now is free amino acids, milk and soy protein free, hypoallergenic, etc. and the regular formula has all those. But we are starting slowly under the close care of our wonderful Ped GI Dr. C, and are supposed to feed her one bottle of regular formula once every three days and report bi-monthly weight checks to Dr. C. We are starting that regime this week. She has been upgraded to a stronger reflux med, Prevacid, because for one month straight (Jan through Feb) she would scream half the day and all night because she was in so much pain. A few days after we got her on the Prevacid, she was 1000% different. We were seeing a baby we never saw before. It was pure bliss, and still is. She is slowly starting on solids - due to her GI issues we have to be careful - and loves pears.

Well, there you have it folks. Faces to the names, and a little about our past few years!

Officially Hate BCP

Not more than 9 days after my BCP scheduled period, I started yet another one, but this time it came back with a vengeance.
Last night I woke up around 2am to severe cramping in my lower abdomen. I've heard of miscarriages described, and I am guessing I just had an insight as to how they feel. No, I didn't have a miscarriage; just cramps, I guess. It felt like a contraction, and I remember wanting to push because I thought it would make me feel better but any pressure only made it worse. I was doubled over screaming, and eventually vomiting as well. Hubby got me settled into bed, and put a heat pad on my tummy. Eventually I felt well enough to fall asleep.

Why is this happening?
A) I thought BCP was supposed to control bad cramping.
B) What in the world is with the twice a month, heavy random periods?!
C) Wouldn't even know if they're preventing pregnancy because I am not having sex! You can't have sex when you're constantly on a period and your sex drive is in the gutter! (Well, you can have sex on your period but it's not something I practice. Ew.)


No Words; Just Pray For Kayleigh

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Oh The Hell With Witty Titles; Samantha Crawls!

At 19:20 this evening (that's 7:20PM for those of you that are, well, slow), my little seven month old crawled properly for the first time! Daddy had the video camera on her and I had my BlackBerry's camera on her, and for the first forty seconds she is just staring at us, probably thinking, "Why the hell are you staring at me?". Then her focus kicked in and off she went. In a matter of seconds she was at her destination. It was perfect. Sure, she still stumbles every now and then, but she can crawl on both arms and legs now. Yeah, she's skilled.

I am one proud momma, and I love that little girl.

Friday, April 24, 2009

I So dislike BCP!

Birth Control Pills. My period ended last week, and I am on week two of my BCP. Today, I feel that wet "uh-oh" feeling and sure enough, another period! This always happens to me. Is my system screwed up? Is my BCP the wrong kind?


Happy 7 Months, Samantha!

Dear Samantha,

Seven months ago today, at 1330, you were brought into this world. The most beautiful newborn, you continue to grow more beautiful with each passing day. We have been through so much as a family since even before you were born. We thought there would be problems with you because of my high-risk status, but that was not God's will and he proved us wrong. Maybe because he knew it was too much for me to handle at the time, but through the past seven months I have grown stronger. Daddy and I still don't know why we were so blessed to have a near perfect daughter. I'm guessing God wanted us to be happy, and put you in our lives to show us that all things are possible, even miracles. The day you were born, and the three days following in the hospital, I realized that you were going to be okay; God had kept you safe inside my womb, for He created you and knew you as you are before Daddy and I. You, my little blessing, brought me closer to God, and I believe that is what your life purpose will always be; to bring non-believers and lost souls closer to God.

Matthew 18:5 - And whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me.

At seven months, you are about 16lbs and 26.5" long. You are still on Prevacid for your GERD, and it continues to work it's magic. You are no longer screaming and crying in pain, which makes you one happy baby. You have begun to talk again, saying mostly "ba aaah wee anami da waaha yeah oh ooo mmmm plllth ma mi" and when you are upset or want attention, you utter what sounds to us like "Ma Ma" and "Ma Mi" because you have learned that this brings Mommy or Daddy to you. You also pant, a lot; I don't know where you picked that up but you do it all the time. However, I'd say your number one favorite thing to do is screeching. You love to screech/scream no matter what your mood; happy, excited, irritated, bored, upset or angry. The mood dictates the pitch and volume. I do this with you sometimes, and it makes you laugh constantly. What else makes you laugh? When Daddy pants along with you; when Mommy stands you up and dances with you, making weird sounds or singing to go along with your wiggling; when Daddy does a "num num num" (eating motion) on your neck/cheek and Mommy doing the same on your tummy. Although, when I do that you grab onto my hair with a vengeance. You like to grab anything and everything. You are such a little explorer these days, and often get your hands on things you are not supposed to have. Just like any other baby, what you can get in your hands goes directly into your mouth. You cannot crawl on all fours, but that doesn't stop you from getting around. You have developed your own version of the army crawl, and can get from A to B fairly quick. You are practicing daily for crawling on all fours though! You get up on your hands and knees and rock back and forth. You usually do this in your crib after you wake up, for twenty or thirty minutes you just rock, rock and rock, all while panting. You're so silly.

You still drool like a Saint Bernard, and you have two teeth slowly coming in on the bottom which have never seemed to bother you. You like to suck on our fingers, but we've learned to stay away from your mouth because you bite with those sharp pearly whites!

Recently, I attemped to teach you to kiss and if I can get your attention, you lean in and give us an open-mouthed, wet kiss. Sure we get drool on us, but we don't mind because we love kisses!

You are such a sweet, simple loving girl. You never pass up an opportunity to make a stranger fall in love with your baby blues and adorable smile. You enjoy attention and are not even one bit shy, except when it comes to other babies. You only see them at the doctor's office, so you remain quiet and observant. I am pretty sure you don't know what to think of these tiny people. I will get us enrolled in a "Mommy & Me" class soon so that you can get exposure to other babies, and learn to make friends.

My parents, your G-Pa and Grammy, love you more than anything in this world and it pains them that they don't get to see you everyday. Grammy is having back surgery on June 1st, so we will be going towards the middle of May to visit, spend Mother's Day with her, and then aid in her recovery. I know she'll heal faster with her favorite beautiful baby around.

Daddy's parents, Grandpa and Gramma Jones, they miss you too. You have yet to meet Grandpa, and I don't know when we'll see them again. You still have to meet Daddy's siblings, Uncle Jerry and TiTi Daun, as well as Daun's sons, your cousins, Nicky, Alex and Jonathan. Your Uncle Jerry and his wife Aunt Ronni are faithful Christians; Daddy and I have been contemplating asking them to be your Godparents. We've more discussing to do, but I am pretty sure that they will be as they can guide you spiritually better than anyone we know.

You are a beautiful creation of God, Samantha, and you have changed a lot of people's lives forever, just by being born. Many people love you, and will always be there for you. We look forward to many more days, weeks, months and years with you. I wish you didn't have to get any older, but since you must, we'll cherish every day together. Before I know it you'll be one year old.

Happy Seven Months, Peanut. I love you with all that I am, and so does Daddy.



Praying For...

Owen's Button Prayers for Stellan